October’s Employee that Empowers is Clint Underwood of Houston High School

Germantown, TN--November 1, 2021--
The Chess Club at Houston High School begins playing in person once again. In previous years, they had utilized chess.com and played virtually. This year, enrollment has dramatically increased, with 103 members whereas in previous years, the average number was 35. New and old players are welcome in this learning environment to advance their skills, no matter the level they begin with. The club sponsors are Clint Underwood and Shawn Horan, who both are working diligently to find local competition opportunities. We are impressed that rather than watch a program go by the wayside, that Underwood stepped up and created the new club when a previous sponsor retired a few years ago. He is using his passion for chess to help create student-to-student connections every Monday after school. Mr. Underwood believes chess greatly improves one’s brain power in logical thinking skills, problem solving, and memory-- all while having fun with your friends. He has taught at HHS for 8 years and worked as a librarian for 13 years. He received his Masters in Library and Information Science from the University of Alabama, a Masters in Theological Studies from Samford University, and a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Arkansas.

