Matters of the Heart (Health and Safety)

Students at Dogwood enjoyed participating in the American Heart Association’s Jump Rope for Heart Challenge for the 29th consecutive year and have raised almost $800,000 over the years. Additionally, Dogwood secured the top spot in the nation for students who watched the Hands-only CPR training video.

Last week, GOAL students also underwent CPR training, not only to gain a life-saving certification, but also to come together as a school community. GMSD's Houston Hearts Student Club played a leading role in the training, and Eden Johnson, the founder and president of the club, joined the training and club and district leaders for another milestone. All schools in GMSD are now Project ADAM certified, making GMSD the first fully certified district in TN, which means that each school now has a certified AED emergency response team in place. The Houston Hearts Club at Houston High School championed this cause, so we interviewed Eden Johnson in this week's Student Spotlight.

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