Mark your calendars for GMSD schools' Fine Arts Nights

April 11, 2023--

Forest Hill recently kicked off a series of fine arts nights at each school, showcasing our exceptional orchestras, choirs, music groups, and stunning visual art displays. Trust me, you won't want to miss these upcoming events.


April 11th: Riverdale's Fine Arts Night

April 12th: Dogwood's Fine Arts Night

April 13th: Farmington's Fine Arts Night

April 14th: Houston Middle Band and Choir Perform at Six Flags Over St. Louis

April 14th: Houston High Choirs perform at Handel Masterworks Concert


From April 19th to 22nd, our All-State musicians will be headed to Nashville to perform in the TNMEA All-State concert. Wish all of our young musicians luck.


If you are out and about at any of these events, please post your images using the hashtag, #gmsdfinearts!
