Houston Middle School Debuts First Short Film with New TV Studio

Students at Houston Middle are showcasing their talents with the new TV Studio. Ms. Martin’s drama class was the first to film in the new studio, and they worked on their project Murder in Oz. Students wrote and rehearsed this semester, and next they were able to act in their production. They were also running all of the equipment by themselves - two cameras, a switchboard, a teleprompter, microphones, green screens, and more. They were even able to create a blooper reel, so their entire project ended up being around 20 minutes long! On April 13, these students invited faculty members from all across the district to come to the debut of their film. 

As for what projects are next for the tv studio, the Mustangs have plenty on the books! In the 2023-2024 school year, students will be able to work on a weekly news program created by students, and Mr. Timmerman will also be teaching his TV Production elective before and after school. Students will be able to learn important skills behind the scenes and on camera. Melissa Deskin, the technology coach, said, “It's going to be a great introduction for these students who can then go on to deepen their knowledge in our high school production program. We are so lucky to have such a supportive district and school that helped bring this all to life. We also owe so much to Mr. Rob Manuel who set up our studio and whose guidance will make this program a huge success.” 

We can’t wait to see what projects these students will produce next!
