Superintendent Jason Manuel and Creative Media Producer Tyler Nutt honored by National School Public Relations Association

GMSD's very own Superintendent was met with applause and a standing ovation when he took the stage to accept the Communication Technology Award for Superintendents.


About the Communication Technology Award for Superintendents

The Communication Technology Award for Superintendents recognizes one superintendent each year for leadership in redefining, upgrading and integrating cutting-edge communication technology to improve and expand outreach and engagement with education stakeholders — both internal and external.


Germantown Municipal School District's Creative Media Producer, Tyler Nutt, received national recognition at the prestigious National School Public Relations Association's (NSPRA) Annual Conference.


His outstanding in-house video production titled "Staff Spotlight: Alexa Guynes, Milken Educator of the Year" received the highest distinction, the 'Excellence' award, at the NSPRA's Publications and Digital Media Excellence Awards.
