GOAL students are being inspired through Roving Chef Series

February 2024 - GOAL has started a new program for their Golden Eagles called the Roving Chef Series. This allows students the chance to come to Forest Hill Elementary School and learn from our District Chef, Chef Ladarius Muskin. Alongside Chef Ladarius, our School Nutrition Specialist Debbie Davis and SFE Director Valentcia Redmon help show these students the best tips and tricks for cooking some quick and easy recipes! 

Students have learned to cook pasta and pizza, and they have been encouraged to make each culinary dish their own unique work of art! As some GOAL students prepare for college, they have said that being able to participate in the Roving Chef series has helped to boost their confidence in knowing that they have a few recipes to follow once they are out on their own. 

Two Golden Eagles have been inspired to continue their culinary pursuits at home. GOAL first grade student Nova has enjoyed getting to learn and practice more cooking skills at home. Readied with an apron and chef hat, she helped cook pizza for her family! GOAL student Xavier Edwards has even begun sharing some of his best tips and tricks on YouTube, such as his video, “How to make a snack in under 10 minutes” where he shows off his skills for thinking outside of the box with a unique pancake based snack! 

We love getting to see our students try out new things and expand their hobbies and skillset. Thank you to Chef Ladarius for inspiring our Golden Eagles!  
