Turning the Page: GMSD's Creative Solution to the Summer Reading Slump

Thanks to the creativity and dedication of Instructional Coach Gina Whitsell and Instructional Supervisor Dianne Stovall, we took a bold step to ensure our students stay on track and continue growing as readers.

The Magic of Summer Book Bags

Gina and Dianne came up with the brilliant idea of Summer Reading Backpacks and personally selected the books that would make summer camp students excited to read. We all know how important it is for kids to keep reading, especially during the summer months when they can fall into the dreaded “summer slide.” That’s why GMSD made a significant investment in our camp students’ literacy by dedicating a portion of the camp materials budget to bring their idea to life.

And these weren’t just any book bags—oh no! Gina and Dianne carefully picked out titles from teacher-recommended summer reading lists, ensuring that each student received high-interest books they’d be excited to dive into. For our K-4 students, that meant 10-15 exciting new books to enjoy, while our 5-8 graders got 3-5 novels perfect for their growing minds.

A Summer Story Worth Telling

The excitement was off the charts! Teachers were thrilled to see students eagerly opening their backpacks and diving into their new books. One teacher shared, "So many kids came in the next morning reading one of the books from the backpacks they got yesterday!" Parents were equally as enthusiastic. One mom told us, “He’s in Chapter 3 and won’t go to sleep because he wants to read all the funny parts to me!” That’s exactly the kind of engagement Dianne and Gina hoped to spark.

Why Reading Matters—Especially in the Summer

National research tells us that students who read frequently are more likely to achieve higher reading proficiency, which is critical for their overall academic success. For our developing readers, this is even more crucial. By providing books they’re excited about, we’re not just giving them something to do—we’re helping them grow, learn, and stay on track.

The Best Summer Investment We Could Make

In a world where screens are constantly competing for our kids’ attention, we’re proud to have given them the chance to turn real pages, explore new worlds, and fall in love with reading. This initiative was more than just a summer project—it was a commitment to our students’ success. Gina Whitsell summed it up perfectly, saying, “Providing books they love and want to read is one of the best ways we can keep them on track.”
