Goals in Focus: Setting the Stage for Student Success

GMSD is wrapping up its annual goal-setting process, and we're excited to preview the plans for the year ahead with our families. Each year, our district and individual schools create specific goals to guide students toward success. These goals are developed with data, feedback from teachers and input from the community to ensure we are meeting the needs of all students.

For the district, we focus on three main areas: foundational literacy (ensuring early reading skills are strong by 2nd grade), algebra readiness (making sure middle school students are prepared for high school math) and preparing our students for life after graduation. These are our district-wide targets that support student achievement.

This year, we are also working on school-specific goals that align with these district priorities while addressing unique needs and individual students at each campus. Here are a few examples:

  • Dogwood Elementary School is focusing on reading skills, setting a goal for 87% of students to be reading on grade level by the end of the school year.
  • Houston High School is implementing a digital citizenship program. This initiative is aimed at teaching students responsible online behavior, including safe internet practices, understanding their digital footprint and promoting positive online interactions. Alongside this, they are enhancing literacy across all subjects to ensure students are well-prepared for postsecondary success.
  • Farmington Elementary is aligning with the district's literacy and algebra goals while also incorporating career awareness programs to give students a head start on future career opportunities.

School Improvement Plans will be submitted to the State in October, while community members will be invited to provide feedback September 30- October 11 on the district's goals and TISA allocations. You can find that information, right here, in your newsletter. We’re excited to gather feedback from families on these plans and how we can work together to achieve these goals. Be on the lookout for ways to share your thoughts and ideas as we move forward with these initiatives.

Each school is tailoring its goals to meet the needs of its students, and we look forward to working with you to ensure our students are ready for whatever comes next.
