District Level Committee » District Level Committee

District Level Committee

The randomly selected District Committee was balanced with four parents, one teacher and one administrator from each school. To qualify for random selection, participants had to be present for the previous School Level Start Time Committee in which the issue was explored in much more depth.

Additionally, six students currently attending HMS or HHS were invited to attend along with six members of our district office staff (whose feedback was only recorded when noting that one option was a “favorite” or the “worst”). On the evening of the meeting, we had two participants arrive at the door—one a community member who was allowed to observe but not participate, and one a HS student who participated alongside her mother.

It is worth noting that in many cases, a person elected not to assign certain times to any given tier. In some cases, a range was provided. In other cases, they refused to assign times because they were strongly opposed to the scenario regardless of assigned times.

Each person was accounted for in each scenario (in other words we collected a paper from every participant for every scenario).

Some participants rearranged Tiers inside of each scenario. In these cases, we chose their earliest start time if their subsequent tiers fell in 45 minute windows.

It was tallied as a “strongly supported” or as a “strongly opposed” according to a range of unsolicited written comments found on their paperwork, i.e. “this one is the best”, “winner”, “this one is the worst”, etc.
View District Committee feedback on each Scenario by clicking on the links below: